Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Madame Butterfly

Today in art each child painted a section of this butterfly puzzle. When it was dry we put it together and they got to see what they painted. She is a beauty!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Chocolate Fountain ~ more Valentine's Day FUN!

The chocolate fountain was the high light of our party, they enjoyed it very much as you can see. We had a wonderful day and were very happy when we went home.

Valentine's Day Friendship Lunch

Everyone brought in a lunch for their friend, it was a huge hit. All the kids were excited to give the lunches that they brought in to their friend. They were also excited to eat what their friends brought them. Thank you parents for making out Valentine's Day Friendship Lunch so much fun! Miss Cathy brought Margaret lunch

Cole brought Max lunch

Max brought Cole lunch

Colin brought Ketan lunch

Lauren brought lunch for Colin
Jack brought lunch for Lauren

Kanvar brought lunch for Jack

Liam brought lunch for Kanvar

Ketan brought lunch for Gabby

Gabby brought Liam lunch

Friday, February 6, 2009

Rainy Day Fun!

Today we managed to get outside in between rain fall. We managed to get out and run laps this morning. We are in training for a kids race in the spring.
We also got to get outside for recess. The kids were so excited to build a damn to keep the water from running onto the basketball court.

The boys helped me serve hot lunch to the middle schoolers. They loved it, each one had a specific job and they got to eat a piece of pizza after helping.

After serving lunch the boys took some boxes and made them into cars, which turned into a hiding box which then got to get smashed. We had a really fun rainy day.

No SCHOOL Reminder

Just a reminder that we will not be having school on
Monday, February 16.
Happy President's Day.

Spanish Feelings

HAPPY ~ feliz
SAD~ triste
ANGRY ~ bravo
SURPRISED ~ sorprendido